Why we get up each day

We exist to connect people and ideas so, together, we can create a better world.

Creativity on purpose

We imagine a world where most people wake up inspired to do meaningful work, feel part of a community, and contribute towards a regenerative future.

We believe the best way to build this world is by using the power of storytelling to change the narratives we share.

Our values

Create focus

Find what’s truly important and ignore the other stuff. Focusing on what matters creates lasting outcomes.

Keep it simple

Simple is easy to understand. Easy to understand makes it easy to share. When ideas spread, we make an impact.

Try unconventional options

Embrace the unknown for the teachings it brings. Ask, “is there a better way?” Iterate.

Embrace creativity

Creative problem-solving is the best chance we have of reaching a regenerative future. It’s our duty to embrace it.

See the wider context

Our actions have a ripple effect. Work towards a bigger objective that pushes society forwards.

Made different

Kevin started The House Outside to share his instinct for unconventional thinking with brands and businesses wanting to create a fairer, greener, kinder future.

Depending on your project, we bring together the best minds we can, to give you as much value as possible. This means we can pull in specialists in your field to really nail the brief.

Inspire change through storytelling